After her husband died, Ms.Wang had to start working.
She found a job in a toy factory which made dresses for dolls.
On the day she got her first paycheck,she got a phone call fromher oldest son,who was fifteen.
He wanted to buy a new guitar because he was going to play the guitar at the school Christmas party.
Ms.Wang told her son that her money was tight because her first paycheck would be used to pay the bills.
She told him that maybe she could use the second or third paycheck to buy him a new guitar.

The next day, Ms.Wang was asked to go into the factory owner's office.
Ms.Wang felt afraid.
When she walked into the office, the owner, Mr.Li, asked her to sit down and gave her a beautiful new guitar.
Mr.Li said,"I heard your  talk with your son on the phone yesterday. I know how much you love your son, but sometimes it's not easy to make your child understand your difficulty. This is a present from me to a good worker like you."
Ms.Wang was too happy to say anything.
She left the office with the guitar and decided to work harder for Mr.Li.



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